Quickbooks sdk 13 technical overview
Quickbooks sdk 13 technical overview

quickbooks sdk 13 technical overview

Handles all query operations related logic. This project does the job of handling the core functionalities like handling configuration, handling sync, async requests, callbacks and retry logic. This project has the updated classes in CDMEntities folder generated by the XsdExtension tool based on new releases of schema. This is an external tool whose executable is used to generate the different classes based on the input QBO V3 service schema. The code has been divided into following main categories.

quickbooks sdk 13 technical overview

Schema - Schema files for QBO V3 APIs are available under this folder.So, if you see Retry not found issues while updating your code, just remove that Using statement and add Using if not already present. >Oauth1 support has been removed from this SDK. Change data that enables you to retrieve a list of entities modified during specified time points.Sparse Update to update writable properties specified in a request and leave the others unchanged.

quickbooks sdk 13 technical overview

  • Queries for accessing QuickBooks Reports.
  • Query Filters that enable you to write Intuit queries to retrieve QuickBooks Online entities whose properties meet a specified criteria.
  • Logging mechanisms for trace and request/response logging.
  • Retry policy constructors to help apps handle transient errors.
  • Support for Gzip and Deflate compression formats to improve performance of Service calls to QuickBooks Online.
  • Ability to configure app settings in the configuration file requiring no additional code change.
  • Support for both XML and JSON Request and Response formats.
  • A common interface to the Request and Response Handler with two implemented classes to handle both synchronous and asynchronous requests.
  • Ability to perform single and batch processing of CRUD operations on all QuickBooks Online entities.
  • Some of the features included in this SDK are: NET class libraries that make it easier to call QuickBooks Online APIs, and access to QuickBooks Online data.

    Quickbooks sdk 13 technical overview